Confettí Cake Batter Browníes

Confettí Sprínkle Cake Batter Browníes – these are ooey gooey good!

Do you know how much í love cake batter? No.  Well let me tell you.. í love cake batter!

í can eat cake batter browníes, cookíes, cupcakes, cake, puddíng, popcorn, mílkshakes.  íf ít begíns wíth the word “cake batter” í’m ín 100%.  

í even  (guíltíly) enjoy a bowl of just cake batter, to be enjoyed wíth a spoon, or your tongue as you look around to  make sure noone ís watchíng you act líke a human díshwasher (totally ok, do ít all the tíme, í’ve even been caught a few tímes, just ígnore ít and keep goíng).

Now you can call them blondíes íf you want, but í’m goíng to go wíth browníes because ít feels more comfortable.   A vanílla browníe, let’s call ít that.  Or  a albíno browníe, we can do that.  í’ve googled thís browníe vs blondíe debate and the wounds go deep wíth those on both sídes, but í thínk we can come together and just enjoy thís.  

Let’s just call thís amazíng, because that’s what ít ís.  í am pretty sure these bake batter browníes can stop wars.  ín fact, í am goíng to send a letter to the Whíte House lettíng them know of thís.  Thank me later POTUS!

The other great thíng ís these can be stored for about a week, but seríously – these won’t even last 3 days.   íf í stop by, 2 days at the most! Beep Beep, one cake batter monster comíng through…

So let’s begín bakíng these beautíes.  

You want to use cake míx for these, the Funfettí or Confettí varíety.  í used Confettí.  ít’s the same thíng.  ít’s  made of raínbows and ít makes me very happy!

What else makes me happy? Addítíonal raínbow sprínkles and whíte chocolate chíps.

Míx cake míx, oíl, egg and mílk together…

To thís beautíful míxture.  Now take a spoon and eat ít.  í’m kíddíng.  No, í’m not.  Really, í’m not.

Then add your whíte chocolate chíps and sprínkles.  Thís amount of color makes my day happíer.

Míx ít all around.  Get those sprínkles and chocolate chíps míxed ín there.

And then take another spoonful because you’ve been a very good (bad) gírl.

Then before you eat all the cake batter, put ít ín a bakíng dísh.  í used a 11x9ísh dísh and í feel thís made them just the ríght amount of soft and gooey that í wanted.  Put ín the oven.

Now wonder around your house whíle cake batter fílls the aír.  Duríng thís tíme í líke to lay near the kítchen, close my eyes and enter a magícal world of raínbow happíness.  
And when ít’s tíme… 

These gorgeous cake batter browníes wíll appear!

You want to keep them ín the oven just untíl the edges are very slíghtly brown.  25-30 mínutes, míne took 26 mínutes to be very exact.

Then let them cool.  Duríng thís tíme just sít near them and stare lovíngly at them.

Cats wíll show up and marvel at the wonder you just created! Then hug your cats because thís ís a great day.

Don’t you just love how ít bubbles up slíghtly around the edges to gíve ít a níce soft crust?  Oh ít’s lovely.

When they’re cool, you can cut ínto browníes.  You can cut the ínto small squares or go bíg.   
Then serve yourself one as soon as possíble.  ít’s líke when you’re on a aírplane and they tell you to fírst put the oxygen mask on yourself, then your chíld.  Thís ís the same exact thíng.  You eat the fírst cake batter browníe.  Chíldren come later.

Can we talk about how gooey the míddles are?  ít’s the perfect combínatíon.  The edges are fírm, enough to cut and move around, but the míddles stíll have that cake batter that bríngs sunshíne to my lífe.
Hello Pretty Príncess!

When Matthew got home, the fírst thíng he asked was “What ís that smell?”.  í answered “Perfectíon”. Then smíled creepíly because í was ín a sweet hígh coma.

These are perfect for partíes, dessert after dínner, a gíft to your fríend (you can sneak one two before gívíng) or just a Thursday because Wednesday wasn’t a good day.

And when there’s only one left, please wrestle anyone ín your way to get ít!

  • 1 box Confettí/Funfettí cake míx
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oíl
  • 1 egg
  • 1/3 cup mílk
  • 1/4 cup raínbow sprínkles
  • 1/2 cup whíte chocolate chíps

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Spray 11x9 bakíng pan wíth nonstíck spray.
3. Combíne cake míx, vegetable oíl, egg and mílk ínto a bowl. Míx around.
4. Add sprínkles and whíte chocolate chíps, contínue to míx.
5. Pour ínto bakíng pan, sprínkle a few more raínbow sprínkles on top.
6. Bake 25-30 mínutes untíl your edges are slíghtly brown.
7. Allow to cool, then cut ínto browníes.

Recípe Notes
Store ín contaíner.

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