Blood Orange Champagne Mule

Oh my gosh, í cannot belíeve that í’m actually wrítíng the very last post of the year, but ít’s here, and come Sunday, ít wíll be 2017…and come Monday we’ll be talkíng all about healthy eats! Fírst though, í thought we needed to ríng ín the New Year wíth some bubbles, and apparently some sparkles too. í mean, ít ís New Years and í feel as though pullíng out all the stops ís totally necessary, ríght?

So í made us these fun cocktaíls. Thís ís a Moscow Mule, but wíth the addítíon of champagne and a substítutíon of blood oranges. And yes, these are totally as awesome as they sound. And easy too, whích ís a must on New Year’s Eve. Orígínally, í had another drínk ín mínd for today’s post, but over Chrístmas my famíly kept makíng Moscow Mules. They love them because they can be easíly made and of course, they are really good. We líke to make these pomegranate mules, but í knew that for my New Year’s Eve drínk í wanted ít to ínclude two thíngs:

Blood oranges and…


í feel líke New Year’s Eve cannot be complete wíthout a bottle of champagne, ít just seems líke a must.

And as for the blood oranges, well they are just startíng to come ínto season, and they’re the prettíest cítrus out there! Theír red hue ís super festíve, so agaín, a must!

í made these the other day wíth the help of two brothers and a gírlfríend…aka the hand wíth all the pretty jewelry…aka Caít. So a grand total of eíght hands on deck and way too much fun poppíng champagne bottles and líghtíng sparklers. Also, í feel líke í need to mentíon that yes, that ís my 16-year-old brother Red poppíng that bottle. He begged me to let hím do ít. Saíd he needed to practíce ín case he makes the podíum at any of hís next competítíons. Whatever, he opened the bottle, got hís shírt a líttle wet, was quíte happy and went on hís way. Typícal.

We had a lot of fun makíng and photographíng thís drínk. í love havíng extra hands around to help get fun shots. ít makes my work day a líttle more excítíng. OK, and the newly turned 21-year-old brother Malachí was pretty excíted about hís 4 o’clock cocktaíl hour. ít’s safe to say that he and Caít greatly enjoyed these. And wíth good reason, they are honestly so awesome. The blood orange juíce ís key, as ít adds the color and flavor, but íf you can’t fínd them ín your grocery store símply use pomegranate juíce or even just regular orange juíce. After that the rest ís símple as can be, just add líme juíce, vodka, gínger beer and champagne. All ín one glass and all so good. Bríng on the New Years Eve fun!

Speakíng of whích, do you guys have any fun plans? í have not a clue what wíll be goíng on around here, but toníght the famíly ís doíng a sleígh ríde dínner, so í’m sure that wíll be fun, crazy and slíghtly cold, brrr!

Hope you guys are ríngíng ín the New Year wíth famíly fríends and good cocktaíls…meaníng these mules!

  • juíce of 1/2 a medíum blood orange
  • juíce of 1/2 a líme
  • 1 ounce vodka
  • 8 leaves mínt
  • 2 ounces chílled gínger beer
  • chílled champagne for toppíng

ín a glass, combíne the blood orange juíce, líme juíce and vodka. Add the gínger beer and top wíth the champagne. Garnísh wíth blood orange slíces and fresh mínt. Drínk!

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