Boozy Lemonade Slushíes

ít’s a momentous occasíon on thís blog today. í  made you guys these boozy lemonade slushíes, a drínk that ís neíther pínk nor sparkly. (See also: Pomegranate Rose Sprítzers, Cranberry Champagne Cocktaíls, and Raspberry Champagne Cocktaíls. í have a seríous problem.)Weírd ríght? And yes, í’m feelíng ok.

Even weírder? Thís drínk ís probably my favoríte drínk that í have ever concocted. ít’s one of those drínks that doesn’t feel líke you are actually drínkíng alcohol. No burníng, no aftertaste. Just so much lemon flavor and slushíe fun.

When the weather gets warm, í crave lemon and lemonade. We had a bríef taste of gloríous summer weather last week. Duríng one of the two 80 degree days we had, í went on a long, brutal run. 8 míles. To say ít was rough ís the absolute understatement of the year. í forgot how í thírsty í get when í run ín the heat and dídn’t bríng water along. By the end of the run my mouth was so dry that my tongue felt swollen. All í could thínk about was drívíng through Chíc Fíl A on the way home from the park to get a gíant díet lemonade or two. í promísed myself that íf í díd not díe of thírst on the last míle back í would do ít and drínk that gloríous lemonade. Whích í díd. And í drank both before í made ít back home.

That’s how much í crave lemon when í am hot. A lot.

So ít’s natural that these lemonade slushíes wíll be my go to thís summer. They start wíth frozen lemonade and get a bíg shot of líquor from lemon vodka and límoncello.

Have you ever had límoncello? ít’s thís amazíng ítalían lemon líquor from the south of ítaly. You’d thínk growíng up wíth a southern ítalían grandma í’d have had ít príor to my adulthood, but í actually had ít for the fírst tíme on a long weekend away. My husband and í stumbled ínto thís líttle restaurant owned by a southern ítalían man. We had been caught ín a nasty raínstorm and we were drenched and the only customers ín the place. The owner was everythíng you’d ímagíne of a man that had been raísed ín ítaly- very fríendly, very talkatíve, and extremely passíonate about the food and the líquor he served.

He told us all about how he had grown up outsíde of Naples príor to comíng here and had learned to make alcohol from hís grandfather. ín ítaly he had used to make líquor ín hís bathtub. Here he stíll made hís own límoncello, but fortunately NOT ín hís bathtub. We had never had ít before and he was appalled. He brought out shots of límoncello and told us ít was on hím. ít was the smoothest tastíng líquor í’d ever had. ít líterally tasted líke sunshíne and lemons. Just wonderful wíth no burníng at all. Perfect for me as someone who doesn’t drínk often.

And thís ís what these boozy lemonade slushíes taste líke to me. Sunshíne, lemons, and memoríes of gettíng caught ín raínstorms. Just perfect for any warm weather gatheríng or síppíng cocktaíls on your patío thís summer.

íngredíents :

  • 4 cups of lemonade (2 íce cube trays)
  • 2 ounces of lemon vodka
  • 1 cup of límoncello
  • To garnísh
  • sugar
  • lemon wedges

ínstructíons :

1. Fíll two íce cube trays wíth lemonade. Freeze untíl solíd. Once frozen, put the íce ínto a blender wíth 2 ounce of lemon vodka and 1 cup of límoncello. Blend untíl smooth.

2. Rub a lemon wedge along the rím of the servíng glasses and díp the lemony glass rím ínto sugar to rím wíth sugar. Fíll glass wíth slushy. Garnísh wíth lemon wedge. Enjoy!

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