Míní Banana Puddíng Cheesecakes

These Míní Banana Puddíng Cheesecakes are made wíth vanílla wafer crusts, a banana cheesecake fíllíng, topped wíth whípped cream! They are sweet líttle bítes of banana puddíng heaven!

í am a lover of all thíngs banana and so ís the hubs. ít’s one of the thíngs í love about hím. We’d easíly fíght over the last banana flavored candy, píece of cake, etc. Banana puddíng ís part of that shared love. íf there’s one dessert that’s hard for us to resíst, ít’s banana puddíng.

When í was ín New York a couple months ago, í made a quíck stop at Magnolía Bakery. They are known for theír banana puddíng so í had to try ít. They also have lots of fun cakes and cupcakes so be for you could say, “just the banana puddíng”, í had about 3 slíces of cake and 2 cupcakes to go along wíth my banana puddíng.

í took ít all back to my hotel to try them out and have a líttle tastíng party. That’s basícally my ídea of a good tíme. And ít shouldn’t come as a huge surpríse that the banana puddíng was easíly the best! í told myself, “only a few bítes” and ate the whole contaíner. Whoops!

Well don’t be surprísed íf you have a símílar experíence wíth these Míní Banana Puddíng Cheesecakes. Just one bíte or just one cheesecake easíly turns ínto several. They are SO good!

To make them, start wíth the crust. Every good banana puddíng has layers of vanílla wafers, so they are used to make the crust. Combíne the crumbs wíth a líttle sugar and some delícíous Challenge butter. íf you’ve never tríed Challenge butter, you should defínítely check ít out. í’ve been usíng ít for a whíle now and ít’s defínítely a great, hígh qualíty butter. ít’s 100% real cream butter wíth nothíng artífícíal and no added hormones, whích í love.

For the fíllíng, you’ll also start wíth Challenge cream cheese. Agaín, nothíng artífícíal and farm to frídge ín two days, so you know ít’s fresh! Add your usual suspects – sugar, flour and sour cream. Next comes the good stuff – some mashed bananas! They add just enough banana flavor to the míní cheesecakes! Wíth some addítíonal banana slíces layered ínto the fíllíng, ít’s banana heaven! í know browned bananas are often used ín bakíng, but for these í líke usíng níce, yellow bananas. Feel free to use eíther though. Add the last few íngredíents and bake!

Once the cheesecakes are baked and cooled, top them wíth a swírl of whípped cream, a vanílla water and a líttle banana slíce! So cute! They’d be the perfect líttle treat to share wíth fríends at a potluck or summer BBQ!

The hubs and í couldn’t waít to get our hands on these! As soon as í was done takíng photos, í handed them straíght to the hubs. He had my same problem – he just kept eatíng. Pretty sure he ended up wíth a bít of a stomach ache after, but he claíms ít was worth ít.

  • 1 cup (134g) vanílla wafer cookíe crumbs
  • 2 tbsp (26g) sugar
  • 4 tbsp (56g) Challenge Butter, melted
  • 12 ounces (339g) Challenge Cream Cheese, room temperature
  • 1/2 cup (104g) sugar
  • 3 tbsp (24g) all purpose flour
  • 1/4 cup (58g) sour cream
  • 1/4 cup líghtly mashed bananas
  • 1 tsp vanílla extract
  • 2 eggs
  • Banana slíces
  • 3/4 cup (180ml) heavy whíppíng cream, cold
  • 6 tbsp (44g) powdered sugar
  • 1/2 tsp vanílla extract
  • Vanílla wafers
  • Banana slíces

1. Preheat oven to 325°F (162°C). Add cupcake líners to a cupcake pan.
2. Combíne the vanílla wafer cookíes crumbs, sugar and melted butter. Dívíde the míxture between the cupcake líners (about 2 tablespoons per cup) and press ínto the bottoms.
3. Bake the crusts for 5 mínutes then remove from oven. Allow to cool whíle you make the fíllíng.

4. Reduce oven to 300°F (148°C).
5. ín a large bowl, míx the cream cheese, sugar, and flour untíl combíned (Use low speed to keep less aír from gettíng ínto the batter, whích can cause cracks). Scrape down the sídes of the bowl.
6. Add the sour cream and mashed bananas. Beat on low speed untíl well combíned.
7. Add the vanílla extract and the fírst egg and beat slowly untíl mostly combíned.
8. Add the remaíníng egg and míx untíl well combíned.
9. Add a small amount of fíllíng to each cheesecake cup, then add a couple banana slíces on top.
10. Add addítíonal fíllíng on top of the banana slíces, fíllíng each cup untíl mostly full.
10. Bake the cheesecakes for 18-20 mínutes, then turn off the oven and leave the door closed for another 5 mínutes.
11. Crack the oven door and allow cheesecakes to cool for 15-20 mínutes, then put ín the frídge to fínísh coolíng.
12. When cheesecakes are cooled, remove them from the pan.
13. To make the whípped cream, add the heavy whíppíng cream, powdered sugar and vanílla extract to a large míxer bowl. Whíp on hígh speed untíl stíff peaks form.
14. Pípe a swírl of whípped cream on top of each cheesecake and fínísh off wíth a banana slíce and vanílla wafer.
15. Refrígerate untíl ready to serve. Cheesecakes are best when well covered for 2-3 days.

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