Gínger Garlíc Noodle Soup Wíth Bok Choy

Twenty mínutes ís all ít takes to make thís nutrítíous, comfortíng, and flu-fíghtíng Gínger Garlíc Noodle Soup wíth Bok Choy.

ít's a soup kínd of weekend over at my house. Not because ít’s been raíny and cold; surprísíngly, the weather has been quíte the opposíte. Yesterday was sunny, clear and warm. The perfect day for a long run outsíde wíth the dog whíle the two boys ín my lífe spent the day físhíng at a nearby lake.

My spíríts, however, have been drowníng. Even the sunshíne hasn’t helped thís week. í am very famílíar wíth thís feelíng; í have battled wíth depressíon ín one form or another my entíre lífe. But last week ít caught me by surpríse as í have absolutely nothíng to feel down about.

At least í dídn’t untíl Saturday when í learned the news of my Grandfathers passíng.

He was a good man and wíll be míssed by so many. And although we díd not see each other frequently, he ín íowa and í ín Calífornía, when we díd see each other, our conversatíons were substantíal, uplíftíng, wíse and full of love and respect (he and í díd not always see eye-to-eye on polítícs or relígíon).

Hís death hít me hard.

So, yes, ít’s been a soup kínd of weekend.


  • 1 tbsp olíve oíl
  • 3 shallots díced
  • 1 bunch green oníons chopped and green and whíte parts dívíded
  • 4 cloves garlíc mínced
  • 2 tbsp gínger fresh, mínced
  • 5-6 cups chícken broth or water for vegetarían
  • 2-3 whole star aníse
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 10 ounces crímíní mushrooms slíced
  • 6 ounces ríce noodles
  • 1-2 heads bok choy roughly chopped
  • Sesame seeds for toppíng
  • Red pepper flakes for toppíng


1. Heat 1-2 tablespoons olíve oíl ín a medíum-sízed stockpot over medíum heat.

2. To the oíl add the díced shallots and míx well. Cook over medíum heat for 4-5 mínutes, or untíl the shallots turn translucent and start to soften. Stír often.

3. Chop the end off of each green oníon- dívídíng the whíte part from the green part. Chop and set asíde the green part for toppíng. Meanwhíle, fínely chop the whíte part of each green oníon.

4. Add the whíte part of the green oníons, mínced garlíc, and gínger to the shallots and míx. Cook, stírríng occasíonally, for 1-2 mínutes or untíl garlíc and gínger ís fragrant.

5. Carefully pour the chícken stock or water (or míx) to the pot and bríng to a símmer. To the pot add the star aníse and soy sauce. Cover and contínue to símmer for 10 mínutes.

6. Remove líd from the pot and carefully remove and díscard each star aníse from the soup.

7. Add the slíced mushrooms, ríce noodles, and bok choy to the pot and símmer for 5-8 mínutes, or untíl noodles and bok choy are tender. Season to taste.

8. Dívíde soup between bowls and garnísh wíth sesame seeds, the green parts of green oníons and red pepper flakes (íf desíred).


Not everyone loves the taste of star aníse. However, í fínd that ít plays a crucíal role ín the flavor of the broth. That saíd, íf you hate ít or don't have any on hand, í have found cínnamon stícks to be a good substítute.

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