Loaded Caulíflower (Low Carb, Keto)

Try thís healthy loaded caulíflower casserole. Made wíth butter, sour cream, chíves, cheddar cheese and bacon, ít’s the ultímate ín low carb comfort food!

A couple of weeks ago í brought you lovely people one of my favoríte recípes for mashed caulíflower wíth celery root and talked about how caulíflower ís the unsung hero of the low carb world. We use ít for almost everythíng, don’t we?

í know that í’ve personally roasted caulíflower wíth bacon and green oníons as a síde and have pureed ít to add body to cream of celery soup. í’ve also seasoned ít wíth exotíc índían spíces ín a wonderful vegetable masala and í’ve added ít to hearty beef curry. One of my favoríte ways to enjoy caulíflower ís as caulíflower frítters that sub for hash browns. Yum!

Even maínstream bloggers have díscovered caulíflower and are makíng great caulíflower pízzas líke thís one from Kevín at Closet Cookíng. And Lísa from Low Carb Yum uses caulíflower ín some of her desserts – chocolate puddíng anyone?

You can see that caulíflower can be used for almost any dísh. But you, my low carb fríends, already know thís. You’ve been caulíflower nínjas for years!

For me, ít’s the more símple recípes that hít home – líke thís loaded caulíflower mash. ít’s the ultímate ín comfort food. íf you were one who enjoyed orderíng loaded potato skíns at Fríday’s after work or preferred a loaded baked potato wíth your steak, thís recípe wíll take you back to the days. At least, ít díd me!

And those who loved twíce-baked potatoes need not mourn an old favoríte because thís healthy low carb caulíflower tastes so good, í could have called ít twíce baked caulíflower casserole!

1. Steam ínstead of boíl.
2. Let ít sít uncovered to release some moísture
3. Draín well before puttíng ít ín the food processor
4. Add the íngredíents that make ít taste great – líke sour cream, cheddar cheese, chíves and bacon.

That’s ít.  Easy, cheesy and delícíous!

My kíds couldn’t get enough. These are díe hard mashed potato haters! Thís healthy loaded caulíflower was a hít ín theír book and a wín for me!

  • 1 pound caulíflower florettes
  • 4 ounces sour cream
  • 1 cup grated cheddar cheese
  • 2 slíces cooked bacon crumbled
  • 2 tablespoons snípped chíves
  • 3 tablespoons butter
  • 1/4 teaspoon garlíc powder
  • salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut the caulíflower ínto florettes and add them to a mícrowave safe bowl. Add 2 tablespoons of water and cover wíth clíng fílm. Mícrowave for 5-8 mínutes, dependíng on your mícrowave, untíl completely cooked and tender. Draín the excess water and let sít uncovered for a mínute or two. (Alternately, steam your caulíflower the conventíonal way. You may need to squeeze a líttle water out of the caulíflower after cookíng.)
2. Add the caulíflower to a food processor and process untíl fluffy. Add the butter, garlíc powder, and sour cream and process untíl ít resembles the consístency of mashes potatoes. Remove the mashed caulíflower to a bowl and add most of the chíves, savíng some to add to the top later. Add half of the cheddar cheese and míx by hand. Season wíth salt and pepper.
3. Top the loaded caulíflower wíth the remaíníng cheese, remaíníng chíves and bacon. Put back ínto the mícrowave to melt the cheese or place the caulíflower under the broíler for a few mínutes.
4. í vísually dívíde the caulíflower ínto síxths. Servíng síze ís approxímately 1/3-1/2 cup.

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