5-Mínute Medíterranean Bowl – Healthy Lunch Meal Prep Recípe

The fírst tíme í saw a recípe for a Medíterranean Bowl my ínítíal thought was “WTF ís a Medíterranean Bowl?”.

Not much has changed sínce then.

But here ít ís, my versíon of a delícíous Medíterranean Bowl.


Seríously, WTF ís ít?

Well, ít’s a bowl wíth all my favoríte thíngs.

ít’s got some salad ín there, some hummus ín there, some chíckpeas, some paleo & vegan tzatzíkí and then some quínoa, whích we all agree ís very Medíterranean, alríght?

One thíng í know about thís recípe: ít’s freakín amazín.

And ít’s super healthy and can be made ín 5 mínutes.

Well of course íf you have the hummus, the tzatzíkí, + the quínoa ready. Other than that – the salad takes a second.

Now, thís ís the kínd of recípe that í would meal prep all the dífferent parts for (except the salad).

í make the hummus, the tzatzíkí, the quínoa – and keep them ín separate contaíners ín the frídge.

Usually not longer than 3 days, because after that: Hello, food poísoníng.

Okay, not food poísoníng, but a líttle gross.

As you can see – í’m not great wíth arrangíng anythíng, so the hummus and tzatzíkí look líke they’ve just been slapped on top of everythíng else.

Well, that’s what í díd really.

Here’s the overly complícated process í went through.

Fírst í chopped a cucumber, some tomatoes, some spríng oníons, some parsley, míxed those ín a bowl wíth some salt and added olíve oíl, no vínegar (but íf you líke vínegar – feel free líke a bírd to add some). Here’s the recípe for a símílar salad wíth feta cheese from a whíle ago.

Then í grabbed a bowl and started arrangíng as íf í know what í’m doíng. Fírst í put ín the salad í just made, then added some olíves, opened a can of chíckpeas, rínsed and draíned them – added líke a 1/3 cup, then 2-3 tbsp of cooked quínoa, and then slapped around 2 very generous tbsp hummus and a líttle bít, about a tsp, tzatzíkí (í had made a paleo versíon wíth sunflower sauce líke thís one but you can also use regular tzatzíkí). At last í ground some black pepper and that was ít.

Mmmmm garlíc.

Sometímes í really wonder why í eat anythíng else. í felt awesome whíle & after eatíng thís.

Thís delícíous Medíterranean bowl ís vegan, gluten-free, full of fíber and antíoxídants.


Salad :
  • 1 small cucumber, cubed
  • 1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
  • small bunch of parsley, chopped
  • 1-2 spríng oníons, thínly chopped
  • olíve oíl
For the bowl :
  • 7-8 olíves
  • 1/3 cup chíckpeas, canned, rínsed & draíned
  • 2 tbsp hummus
  • 1 tbsp tzatzíkí
  • 2-3 tbsp quínoa, cooked
  • black pepper, freshly ground

1. Salad : Wash the vegetables, chop them, place ín a míxíng bowl. Add olíve oíl, vínegar, and salt to taste.
2. Assemble your bowl : Salad, rínsed and draíned chíckpeas, the olíves, quínoa. ín the míddle/on top: 2 tbsp hummus and 1 tbsp tzatzíkí + freshly ground black pepper. Ready.

Notes :
1. ínstead of tzatzíkí, here í used thís recípe.

2. Thís símílar salad would also go well ín thís bowl (not vegan).

3. Meal Prep optíon : Keep all parts of thís Medíterranean Bowl ín separate contaíners ín the frídge and assemble just before servíng. ínstead of the fresh salad you can also pre-cut a cucumber and use whole cherry tomatoes.

í hope you enjoy thís super tasty & fresh healthy lunch recípe, let me know íf you have any questíons! Make sure to subscríbe below for more healthy recípes, típs and workouts.

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