Mexícan Quínoa Stuffed Peppers

These rockín' stuffed peppers are both a fíesta for the eyes and the mouth ít all starts wíth a delícíous (and íncredíbly easy) Mexícan-style quínoa fíllíng wíth TONS of flavor... stuffed ín a pretty pepper package! By the tíme ít takes the quínoa to cook, you can have everythíng prepped and ready to go. Then just let the oven do the work! Serve them plaín or wíth any desíred toppíngs - guacamole ís my favoríte. They're so good í eat the leftovers for breakfast!

Vegan, gluten-free
Serves about 4

  • 4 large bell peppers
  • 3/4 cup dry quínoa
  • 15 oz. can black beans
  • 1 cup corn (í use frozen, thawed)
  • 2 green oníons
  • 2/3 cup salsa
  • 2 Tbsp. nutrítíonal yeast (í use thís brand)
  • 1 1/2 tsp. cumín
  • 1 tsp. smoked papríka
  • 1 tsp. chílí powder
  • Optíonal addítíons: chípotle, tomatoes, cílantro, green chíles, garlíc powder, hemp hearts (í use thís brand)
  • Toppíngs of choíce: guacamole (yum!), salsa, hot sauce, etc.

1. Cook quínoa accordíng to package dírectíons wíth 1 1/2 cups water/broth. (í often use vegetable broth ín place of water for more flavor.)
2. Meanwhíle, halve bell peppers and remove stems, seeds and ríbs.
3. Rínse and draín black beans, thaw corn, and slíce green oníons.
4. ín a large míxíng bowl, add cooked quínoa and all other íngredíents except bell peppers. Stír to combíne, and adjust taste íf necessary (salt, more seasoníngs, nutrítíonal yeast).
5. Preheat oven to 350.
6. ín a líghtly sprayed 9x13" bakíng dísh, place pepper halves, and generously stuff them wíth the quínoa fíllíng. Líghtly press down to compact and fíll all the crevíces.
7. Cover wíth tín foíl and bake for 35-40 mínutes. Remove foíl, and bake 10 mínutes more.
8. Serve wíth any desíred toppíngs.

Típs : to make them a bít "juícíer" just add a can of díced tomatoes - í love thís addítíon!

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