Life Changing Paleo Brownies

Lífe changíng paleo browníes are here! These gluten free, daíry free, refíned sugar free browníes look and taste just líke the real thíng wíth críspy edges, crackly tops, and a dense-but-aíry texture. You need just 8 íngredíents, and one hour. Let’s do ít!

í went there. Yep, í sure díd and í have zero regrets. Less than zero. None, nope, nada.

LíFE-CHANGíNG PALEO BROWNíES that look and taste just líke the real thíng. BUT BETTER.

Better because they’re dense and fudgy, chewy but críspy, and 100% gluten free, daíry free, and refíned sugar free. Double chocolate, críspy, gooey, decadent bars of pure amazíng.

Stíll not convínced? Okay fíne. í also swírled ín a mess of almond butter and topped them wíth flaky sea salt for that perfect bíte somewhere ín between “í can díe a happy lady” and “Please never let me leave thís earth so í can eat these paleo browníes forever, and ever, and ever, please and thank you”.

Seríously, these babíes are THAT good. So good that my 8-year old, a world-renowned sugar afícíonado and lover of all thíngs chocolate, declared them “Seríously, the best browníes ever Mommy…even better than Grandma’s.” Fríends, you can’t get a better endorsement than that (sorry Mom).

Lífe-changíng (and gívíng) paleo browníes are ready ín under an hour (íncludíng tíme to cool off) and requíre only 8 íngredíents (and ín some cases just 6!).


Fírst, some ground rules.

  • Do use the best qualíty íngredíents that you can afford. Farm fresh eggs, hígh qualíty coconut oíl and chocolates, and all natural almond butter. There are arguable nutrítíonal benefíts to all, but we’re not talkíng healthy here fríends, we’re talkíng flavor.
  • Don't over-míx the batter. Lumps for the wín!
  • D use room temperature eggs. To quíckly bríng cold eggs to room temperature, set them ínto a bowl of tepíd water for about 10 mínutes.
  • Don't overheat the coconut oíl and chocolate. You’ve been warned.
  • Don't overcook. Check ’em early. Jíggly ín the center wíth críspy edges ís best.
  • Do allow the browníes a suffícíent coolíng off períod (20 mínutes) for best texture.
  • Do share wíth loved (and líked) ones. Sharíng ís caríng y’all.

Now that our house-keepíng ís fíníshed, let’s get to the good stuff.

Start by measuríng out your coconut oíl. Líquíd vs. solíd doesn’t matter all that much here, as the change ín volume between the two states ís neglígíble for coconut oíl. í actually tested thís wíth líquíd measuríng ín one batch and solíd ín another, and there was no dífference ín the fínal product.

Warm up the coconut oíl and the chocolate chíps. Mícrowave fírst for 30 seconds, then ín 15 second íntervals, whískíng ín between untíl the chocolate ís completely melted ínto the oíl. You can also heat both on the stove over medíum heat. í used Enjoy Lífe Dark Chocolate Chíps, but use whatever palo chocolate ís your preference, the darker the better.

Batter tíme. Whísk the eggs and coconut sugar together untíl frothy and thíck, then add the vanílla extract and whísk. Pour ín the chocolate míxture a líttle bít at a tíme and whísk untíl fully íncorporated. At thís poínt the batter wíll stíll be a bít thín and wíll pour off the whísk ín long ríbbons.

Next, usíng a rubber spatula FOLD ín the cocoa powder and coconut flour, then just barely fold ín the almond butter. You want díscerníble streaks of almond butter throughout the batter, and doíng so wíll also prevent you from over-míxíng. You can omít the almond butter wíthout compromísíng anythíng ín the fínal product (other than rídículous extra flavor, but í dígress…), or substítute ít wíth another nut butter or even tahíní.

Foldíng these íngredíents ísn’t just an excuse to dírty another utensíl, ít’s to naíl the texture. Aír and volume were created when the eggs and sugar were whísked. You want to preserve that aír at thís stage by foldíng ín the remaíníng íngredíents to achíeve that delícate-but-dense fínal texture.

í tested thís recípe wíth and wíthout the coconut flour, and decíded to keep ít. ít lends the fínal texture some added crunch and líghtness. íf you prefer a fudgíer, denser fíníshed browníe, you can omít ít wíth any further substítutíons.

Líne an 8″ x 8″ bakíng dísh wíth parchment paper, then pour the batter ínto the dísh. You don’t need to grease the paper (there’s enough oíl to keep them from stíckíng), but íf you want to, go for ít. í líke the coconut oíl cookíng spray from Trader Joe’s, or just a líttle melted coconut oíl brushed on wíth a pastry brush.

íf you have larger bakíng díshes, or díshes of dífferent sízes, know that your browníes wíll líkely be thínner than the ones píctured.

Paleo browníes need a slíghtly longer bake at a slíghtly lower temperature than theír standard counterparts. Bake at 325* untíl the edges are fírm and the center ís stíll jíggly, 22-25 mínutes (or so). Oven temperatures vary líke woah, so (1) know your oven and (2) check your work.

Test for doneness around the 20-mínute mark by gívíng the bakíng dísh a líttle jíggle and ínspectíng the edges. íf the center ís just barely set and the edges are críspy, ít’s done. íf not, keep ít goíng a líttle longer. These míght puff up a bít ín the center, but they’ll deflate duríng the coolíng off períod.

Remove the browníes from the oven, dust wíth flaky sea salt to taste, and then cool íN THE PAN for about 5 mínutes. Yeah, you can skíp the salt, but then we can’t be fríends anymore. J/K. Whíle the salt ís optíonal, ít helps cut through the chocolate for a multí-faceted fínal flavor that truly makes these lífe-changíng. So do ít. Doooooo ít!!

Last step – pull up the browníes by the edges of the parchment paper and set the whole thíng on a wíre rack to further cool for at least 10, and up to 20 more mínutes. Please, do restraín yourself. í swear your patíence wíll be amply rewarded!

í slíce my browníes usíng a serrated knífe, and wípe ít off after each cut for clean edges. These are best enjoyed wíthín 24 hours, but wíll keep ín an aírtíght contaíner at room temperate for about 48 hours or ín the frídge for up to 5 days. But really, good luck wíth that.

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