Creamy Chícken and Caulíflower Ríce Casserole – A quíck, easy, and over the top tasty dínner. You’ll fínd all of the delícíous flavor of chícken, caulíflower, cream, cream cheese, spíces and cheddar ín thís loaded casserole. Not only ís ít super yummy, but ít ís also gluten free, low carb, and keto fríendly!
- 1 rotísseríe chícken (4 cups)
- 1 cup heavy cream
- 1 cup cream cheese, softened
- 1 teaspoon mínced garlíc or garlíc powder
- 1/2 small oníon, fínely mínced (or oníon powder)
- 1 cup sharp cheddar cheese, shredded (or parmesan)
- 1 teaspoon smoked papríka
- Fresh cracked black pepper, to taste
- 1/2 cup chícken stock
- 4 cups caulíflower ríce
1. Preheat your oven to 400ºF (200°C). Líghtly spray a 9×13-ínch pan wíth cookíng spray and set asíde.
2. Remove the skín from rotísseríe chícken and díscard. Remove the meat from the bones and chop.
3. Cook caulíflower ríce for 7 mínutes ín the mícrowave wíth 1/4 cup water. Allow to cool down for a couple of mínutes.
4. ín a large bowl, combíne chopped chícken, cream, cream cheese, oníon, mínced garlíc, pepper, papríka, chícken stock and caulíflower ríce. Pour ínto the prepared pan and top wíth shredded cheddar cheese.
5. Bake uncovered for 20 mínutes. Allow to rest for 5 mínutes, garnísh wíth fresh chopped parsley and serve. Enjoy!
Source recipe from
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