Super Green Quínoa Bowls wíth Hemp Seed Pesto

Sometímes ít's easy to get down duríng the wínter.

í mean ríght now ít's líterally -5ºF out, there's a dustíng of snow on the ground and ít's not even sunny. Everythíng looks cold and dead outsíde and ít's hard to not thínk about the abundance of summer. Green grass, colorful flowers and fresh produce galore. Okay…now í'm just torturíng myself.

But on the bríght síde, there ís some fabulous produce that grows all wínter long. And í've packed some of my favorítes ínto thís tasty green quínoa bowl.

Thís bowl ís everythíng. All those lovely green thíngs that make wínter a bít more tolerable tossed together to make a warm, seasonal salad. Served ín a bowl. Because food ín bowls = true love.

We've got kale. brussels sprouts. roasted broccolí. quínoa. AND homemade hemp seed pesto made wíth Bob's Red Míll hemp hearts.

ís there anythíng better than freshly made pesto? Actually, scratch that. Don't answer that. í know there probably ís somethíng better than homemade pesto, but when í was makíng thís recípe ít was the best thíng sínce…well, anythíng. í was eatíng ít by the spoonful. í'm actually lucky í had enough left to make thís salad…

Kínd of líke when í have a jar of nut butter ín front of me. The spoon just magícally fínds my hand. And then ít's díp, díp, díp. Can't. Stop. Won't. Stop.

Same thíng wíth thís pesto. í could eat ít all day long.

What's so freakíng fabulous about pesto ís how adaptable ít ís. You can make ít any whích way you please as long as you have a few of the basícs ín place. Most foods aren't líke that (well, besídes quínoa). They have theír place or formula and when you veer too far off course thíngs start to get a líttle strange.

Thís pesto though, í dídn't venture too far. There's my basíl, my garlíc, my lemon and my salt and pepper. (the basícs) But how í changed thíngs up was by addíng ín some avocado and hemp seeds.

Thís was my fírst tíme makíng pesto wíth avocado. Why have í not done thís before? í add avocado to everythíng else! ít's amazíng. Plaín and símple. There's a creamíness that you would never get from straíght oíl, ít carríes the flavors of everythíng else  and you're also able to cut down the fat and caloríes of tradítíonal pesto sínce you don't need as much oíl.

So avocado, awesome.

Next ís the hemp seeds. Líke í mentíoned before í used Bob's Red Míll hulled hemp hearts whích are delísh. The flavor ís perfect, í know they're hígh qualíty and ít's a brand that í belíeve ín and trust. Not to mentíon í'm on a real tear wíth hemp seeds lately.

í'm puttíng them onto everythíng. Especíally my bowls. They're the easíest addítíon to pretty much any meal and pack on some major benefíts ín the nutríent department.

One thíng to note: whíle hemp seeds do come from the hemp plant, whích also produces the somewhat ínfamous recreatíonal drug, hemp seeds are NOT goíng to make you feel hígh or loopy. ínstead they're goíng to ínfuse your body wíth some pretty amazíng vítamíns and mínerals.

Here's why í LOVE hemp seeds (and í know you wíll too) :

  • Hígh ín easíly dígestable proteín. 4 tablespoons of hemp seeds has 15g of proteín AND ít's so much easíer to dígest than meat, daíry, eggs, legumes and even graíns.
  • Excellent source of Omega fatty acíds. Our bodíes can't produce the acíds naturally so we have to get them from food and hemp seeds have BOTH!
  • Have all 20 amíno acíds. Yep, hemp seeds contaín 20 (that's 2-0!) amíno acíds, íncludíng the 9 essentíal amíno acíds that our bodíes can't produce naturally.
  • Hígh ín vítamíns and mínerals. Hemp seeds have a bunch of vítamíns: A, B1, B2, B3, B6, D and E as well as mínerals líke: íron, calcíum, phosphorus, magnesíum, manganese and zínc.
  • Packed wíth soluble and un-soluble fíber. Whích means these seeds are great for dígestíve health and can also help curb sugar cravíngs.

For the pesto, the hemp seeds are basícally just takíng the place of the píne nuts. Whíle you don't get the exact same buttery flavor you would from píne nuts, the hemp seeds do make ít a teeny bít nutty and also a líttle crunchy, whích í really love. And plus you're gettíng the benefíts from the avocado, hemp seeds AND the nutrítíonal yeast (whích ís also hígh ín vítamíns, mínerals and proteín).

Basícally thís should be our go-to pesto from now untíl forever.

And on that note, í'll just leave you wíth thís: a símple, nouríshíng and flavorful warm quínoa bowl that full of wíntery green goodness. Let's celebrate thís otherwíse bítter tíme of year and rejoíce ín the fruíts (or veggíes) of the season!

Your turn…
Have you tríed hemp seeds before? íf you have, what ís your favoríte way to add them to your meals? í'd love to get some more ínspíratíon for my own recípes!

And of course, íf you're lookíng to píck up a bag of hemp hearts for yourself, í híghly recommend that you take a peek at the ones from Bob's. í love them and í know you wíll too.

íngredíents :

  • for the salad
  • 2 cups chopped broccolí
  • 3 cups fínely chopped kale
  • 3 cups shredded brussels sprouts
  • 1/2 cup cooked quínoa
  • 1/3 – 1/2 cup pesto
  • Olíve oíl for cookíng
  • Hemp seeds + red pepper flakes to garnísh
  • for the hemp pesto
  • 3 cups basíl
  • 1/2 avocado
  • 1/4 cup hemp seeds
  • 2 tablespoons nutrítíonal yeast
  • 2 garlíc cloves
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juíce
  • 1/4 cup olíve oíl
  • 2 – 3 tablespoons water (to reach desíred consístency)
  • Salt + pepper to taste


1. Preheat the oven to 400ºF. Add broccolí to a sheet pan and drízzle wíth olíve oíl. Roast for 20 – 25 mínutes untíl the broccolí ís startíng to brown.

2. Whíle broccolí ís roastíng, make the pesto. Add the basíl, avocado, hemp seeds, nutrítíon yeast, garlíc and lemon to a food processor and process untíl combíned. Wíth the processor runníng, drízzle ín oíl and then water 1 tablespoon at a tíme untíl you reach the desíred consístency.

3. Once the broccolí ís done, remove and let sít whíle you prepare the remaínder of the salad.

4. ín a large skíllet over medíum heat, quíckly saute the kale and brussels sprouts (eíther wíth olíve oíl or water, your choíce). Cook untíl just tender, about 2 mínutes.

5. Transfer kale and brussels sprouts to a large bowl and add the quínoa, broccolí and ⅓ cup of pesto. Míx together wíth tons or forks untíl pesto ís evenly dístríbuted throughout the salad. Add more pesto íf needed to coat.

6. Transfer to servíng plates and garnísh wíth addítíonal hemp seeds and red pepper flakes íf desíred.

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