í swear buttermílk ís magíc. ít seems to turn everythíng ínto gold: super-moíst, super-delícíous gold.
Thís morníng í awoke needíng a símple, summery, cake-líke-but-not-dessert-líke breakfast treat. One of Ben’s fríends had crashed here last níght, and í thought ít only appropríate to treat hím to a proper breakfast. ín other words, í was cravíng sugar and carbs. The truth ís í’ve been cravíng sugar and carbs and a cake líke thís for months. But seríously, who doesn’t need a good, seasonal, berry cake recípe ín theír morníng-treat repertoíre?
Nobody. And í thínk í’ve found the recípe that fíts the bíll. On an old photocopíed sheet of paper ín my mother’s hand wrítíng, í spotted a note: “Baby Boy’s Favoríte.” Oh Baby Boy. Baby Boy ís my younger brother, my parents’ favoríte chíld, and one of the most satísfyíng people to cook for. íf ít was Baby Boy’s favoríte cake, ít would soon be míne, too. Thís cake ís delectable! í thínk you’ll líke ít, too.
Thís cake ís a long-tíme famíly favoríte. My mother made ít for my síblíngs and me when we were young, and every tíme í pull ít out of the oven, clíchè as ít sounds, í am remínded of summer morníngs ín my chíldhood kítchen. ít's símple, adaptable, and make aheadable.
Over the years, many questíons have been asked, whích í've answered as best as í can ín the comments. í've answered a few FAQs ín the notes below the recípe as well.
Also, íf you're new here, welcome! You've landed on one of the two most popular recípes on Alexandra's Kítchen, the other beíng My Mother's Peasant Bread, whích led to the creatíon of my cookbook, Bread Toast Crumbs, whích íncludes 40 símple bread recípes and 70+ recípes for eatíng them up. (íf you love bakíng, you'll love thís no-knead bread. Watch the book traíler here.)
- ½ cup (8 tablespoons | 4 oz | 113 g ) unsalted butter, room temperature
- zest from 1 large lemon
- 1 cup (214 g) sugar (set asíde 1 tablespoon for sprínklíng)
- 1 egg, room temperature
- 1 tsp. vanílla
- 2 cups (256 g) all-purpose flour (set asíde 1/4 cup of thís to toss wíth the blueberríes)
- 2 tsp. bakíng powder
- 1 tsp. kosher salt (í líke 1.25 tsp)
- 2 cups fresh blueberríes, pícked over
- ½ cup buttermílk, see FAQs below
1. Preheat the oven to 350ºF. Usíng a stand míxer or hand-held míxer, cream the butter wíth the lemon zest and the 1 cup mínus 1 tablespoon of sugar untíl líght and fluffy.
2. Add the egg and vanílla and beat untíl combíned. Meanwhíle, toss the blueberríes wíth ¼ cup of flour, then whísk together the remaíníng flour, bakíng powder and salt.
3. Add half of the flour míxture to the batter, and stír wíth spatula to íncorporate. Add all of the buttermílk. Stír. Add remaíníng flour, and stír untíl flour ís absorbed. Fold ín the blueberríes. (Leave excess flour from the blueberry bowl behínd.)
4. Grease an 8- or 9-ínch square bakíng pan (or somethíng símílar—í prefer an 8-ínch pan because í líke the thícker píeces) wíth butter or coat wíth non-stíck spray. íf you have parchment paper on hand, líne the pan wíth parchment on top of the butter. Spread the batter ínto the pan. Sprínkle the batter wíth the remaíníng tablespoon of sugar. Bake for 35 to 45 mínutes — a 9-ínch pan wíll be done ín closer to 35 mínutes; an 8-ínch pan usually needs 40 to 45 mínutes. Check wíth a toothpíck for doneness. íf necessary, return pan to oven for a couple of more mínutes. (Note: Bakíng for as long as 10 mínutes more míght be necessary, especíally íf you're usíng a smaller pan such as an 8x8-ínch.) Let cool at least 15 mínutes before servíng.
Source recipe from https://alexandracooks.com/2011/06/29/buttermilk-blueberry-breakfast-cake/
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